I forgot to blog yesterday. I didn't tell you guys but I got a job at my church! Working in the child care for small groups and such. SO, yesterday I was at the meeting for that.

So onto today!
I am trying to work on a budget for our family, having a harder time than I thought. It is hard to work the numbers and stick to them. :) Especially when you have small children, who need cute little things. So, I need some serious tips on how to stay on your budget. How do you stick to it? Avoid impluse buying for the kids? You know that kind of stuff.

Nothing too exciting around here today, I didn't even get any mail :( I am expecting a few diapers in the mail, and I am always bummed when the kids and I take our daily walk to the mailbox only to NOT find my diapers in the package box!!!

Well, my thought for the day, don't let your children play with scissors while you are changing a diaper ...


~Sal & Jess

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1 Response
  1. Tanktop DSP Says:

    I heard Devin was able to rescue Bella, and wound up becoming Isaiah's newest worst enemy in the process

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